At my highschool graduation, my English teacher handed out the “time capsule” essays that she had us write at the start of grade 9. They described our lives at the time; our favorite activities, music, movies, shows, and our best friends.
Naturally, my current group of friends was vastly different from the list on the page. But there was one name on the list that stood out. The name was “Josh”. He stood out because I had no idea who he was.
I could not, for the life of me, remember ever having a friend, let alone a “best friend” named Josh. My parents and friends didn’t know who he was either. But there he was, one of my seven or eight best friends from grade 9. It was as if he was ashamed of me, and subsequently erased himself from history and all recollection.
I sometimes wonder who Josh was, and what he might be like if we met again today. I hope I’d recognize him.