Thursday, July 8, 2010

Takes My Pain Away

I got my tonsils taken out on Tuesday morning. I spent Tuesday and Wednesday in the Viking hospital, drugged up and bored. I spent today at home, in essentially the same state.

As a young adult, my tonsillectomy was a more invasive procedure than the one commonly performed on young children. The doctor's words of warning were "there will probably be a lot of bleeding, and you will be in quite a bit of pain". He did not disappoint, on the second point especially.

When I was under the anesthetic, I involuntarily bit down hard on my tongue and lip. They hurt right now in a nagging, frustrating way that makes it impossible to hold my mouth in a comfortable, neutral position. This is, of course, in addition to the whole scraping-the-tonsils-off-the-back-of-your-throat-and-cauterizing-the-stumps thing. Swallowing makes it feel like I'm igniting butane lighter fluid in my throat, letting it rush up my eustachian tubes and out my ears in little jets of flame. Thank goodness for Advil.

The doctor told me to drink as much as possible. The more moist my throat is, he said, the less it will hurt. I've been carrying a bottle, and downing water at a rate begetting bi-hourly bathroom trips.

It's supremely frustrating not being able to eat, sleep, or do anything but distract myself. I'm bored of TV and video games. I'm starting to get bored of movies and guitar. If I get bored of teh interwebs, I've officially lost my mind.