Friday, March 11, 2011

These are my dreams, feeble as they are.

My buddy J-Dubs has given up Facebook until the end of the month, and is having trouble finding constructive ways to utilize her free time. As a result of her craving for online interaction, she seems to have turned to her blogger account. She's cranked out two posts in two days, and somehow finds this to be enough moral high ground to chastise me for not posting since January. Well J-Dubs, maybe you're right. Here's a post just for you, written in your trademark rambling style, interspersed with pictures :)


(Good thing I'm a hockey player)

Last night was an interesting night. I spent the evening studying for a biology midterm that I will write in about 3 hours' time. Despite my classmates freaking out over it, I was pleasantly surprised to find that I had relatively little difficultywith the material on the study guide. If the last bio midterm was an 8 for difficulty, this one seems to be a 6. I had trouble motivating myself to read through all theslides.

Since biology seemed so easy, and here's crossing my fingers it actually is, I wrapped up studying by 11:30 and went on the internets. I facebook chatted, read Mendel's Soup (my nightly tradition), caught up on all the Oilers blogs, and so on. At around 12:30, I was wound down enough to sleep, and so returned my macbook to my desk.

There, on the edge of my desk, sat my DS with Pokemon Black version. "No", I thought. "No way. If you pick that up now, you won't put it down until sunrise..."

What was probably two to three hours later, I put it down. I didn't dare look at the clock, because I thought maybe I could trick myself into thinking I went to bed at a reasonable time. One little problem: I wasn't tired anymore. It was too hot in the room. Too much light. I was thirsty. My pillow didn't feel right. Etc. etc.

I thought back to the nap I'd taken that afternoon. Why is it that at night, I can only fall asleep on my side, but usually wake up in the morning on my back? In the daytime, it feels much better to fall asleep on my back, but I can't say I've ever slept from morning til night. I tried laying on my back, and it worked! Probably because it was so close to morning by that time.

I dreamt I was back in highschool, playing basketball. For those of you who don't know, I was never very good at basketball, and spent a lot of time on the bench. In this game, we were playing a team full of super tall black guys, and we only had 6 players, one of which was a fat kid who was even worse than me. So there I was, playing defense against these massive black guys who were all at least a head taller than me. But I remember somehow, in dreamland, I was all of a sudden really good at defense. The score was tied with a minute to go, and a timeout was called.

I said something about how we're only at this point because of improbably good defense, so lets hang on and keep it respectable, and hope for a lucky break. The fat kid, however, called me out. He went into some kind of inspiring Braveheart speech about how if I wasn't willing to always give it everything I had, play to win, and go for what I wanted, I didn't deserve to be on the court. It really was inspiring, I wish I could remember it better. I agreed, and asked to coach to take me off and put the fat kid on. He got dunked on, and we lost the game.


I feel like the dream was trying to teach me a lesson. After being at an all-time high in confidence in first semester, it's been going downhill this term. The last few weeks have brought on a sort of mini confidence crisis, and I've noticed myself unwilling to take chances that only months ago I was making a point never to pass up. I think the dream was telling me I'm capable of more than I give myself credit for, and if I don't go for it, someone else will. That unfortunately doesn't explain the fat kid's epic fail, but you've got to accentuate the positive ;) Any theories, english majors?

I slept through my first class, but its ok because it was a review period for biology, which I am totally going to own this afternoon. I had better.


How's that J-Dubs? Awesome? I thought so.

1 comment:

  1. The whole time I was reading this, I had a fantastically huge smile on my face. I'm pretty pumped that I now have a trade marked writing style :D
    Ps, I'm glad you dreamt about basketball and not me :P haha
